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Unit 45, Drawing techniques

Almost all of my drawing techniques I have learned so far have been using the "Ipad Pro" and " Apple Pencil" this mainly for ease of use when it comes to updating/editing pieces of work to fit with the evolving concept of the current project. While using the Ipad I am able to make fast changes to my art without having to scan the piece and take it into editing software. and without erasing my current work or creating a whole new piece from scratch.

So far, different techniques I'd otherwise learn on paper have been learned and performed in a very similar way while using the Ipad. This is possible, mainly, because of the intricate yet simple design of the apple pencil, that works almost exactly like any normal pencil.

Branch Armed Skater.

When I saw the original image by 'Jessica Madorran' I instantly knew I had to try drawing it. Once I'd drawn a copy of the image I started drawing different interpretations of the character, one of which being this "Treant" style character. The key idea being, that her nature-wielding abilities have regrown her arm.

As you can see, drawing faces and using colours are somethings I'm yet to really grasp. I also have the bad habit of not fully completing my pieces of work. These are all issues I'm working to improve at.

Original Image by 'Jessica Madorran'

Drawn copy


For this piece, I wanted to capture the feeling of the original without just copying the entire piece.

(Original) Thick-skinned by Nikita Veprikov

First drawing before coloring/shading.

Original image

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