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Game Jam!

Time to make a game in 15 hours! There is a list of things we need to have done by the end of the Jam.


1. Take a screenshot that shows off your game. It doesn't need to be super high resolution - just something that visually conveys what the game is about.

2. Include a short gameplay video that will give us a good idea of the game. It doesn't need to be a fancy trailer - just show us the game. Short = 1-2 minutes.

3. One paragraph about what makes your game special. As with writing most business emails, you don't want to write a big wall of text. Keep it efficient and your reader will be more likely to absorb the most important parts.

4. Download link for a playable prototype (we can't review games that do not have a playable prototype).

5. About your team (Keep this short - just a single paragraph will work)

6. Who are the team members?

7. What are your roles?

8. Have you worked together before?

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