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U9 Practical skills

 Game Jam Year 2!

Our team consists of Dan, Greg, Scott and myself. We worked together to come up with the main concept and gameplay ideas for our game and then the other 3 started creating concept art and 3d assets for the game and I worked solo on the actual in engine game creation.

Concepting phase
Production phase

Click on images for context

After having people play our game and give verbal feedback, it became clear to me that more direction was needed. Quite often players would shoot the targets in the first room and not realise that the next door was unlocked. There are a couple of potential fixes to this, adding text to the next door saying something like "continue", the addition of a green light appearing upon success or at least some sort of indication that you have completed that level would help a lot.


Generally speaking, The project went smoothly, I think the main thing I'd want to do differently is finding a way to allow multiple people to work on the in-engine production at the same time. Given the strict time constraint, having more people building the gameplay would have been extremely useful as the bulk of the workload was stacked in-engine.



Jamie: "The main thing I think is missing from this game is a UI/HUD. Being able to see things like ammo, a crosshair, maybe points or a timer to show how well you did at the end. I enjoyed the actual running and shooting of the game which I'd say is the main thing you had to get right."


Reply-Harri: "Thanks for the feedback! A User Interface is absolutely something I'd like to add, I'll have to look in to it down the line. I really like the idea of a score of some sort as well. I can see that adding a lot of potentially for replaying. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!"

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