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Unit 69, 3D Modeling


Worlds Competition.​

Purpose of this assignment

This unit aims to develop your skills in 3D modelling for computer games to the standard required to work in the computer games industry.


3D environment artists create 3D environments for architectural walk-throughs, TV programmes, films, websites and games. The scenery created by these artists includes, for instance, buildings, vegetation and furniture, produced by computers running 3D application software. 3D environment artists are responsible for applying textures to objects and environment items such as the surfaces of walls and floors of buildings. This is a highly-skilled area of work which requires considerable knowledge and understanding of lighting, perspective, materials, colour theory and visual effects.


Competition - CubeBrush | Worlds Challenge

You will be tasked with designing/creating an environment merging the old with the new, choosing either Fantasy or Sci-fi as your dominant genre.



â–¶ Pick either Fantasy OR Sci Fi as your dominant genre

â–¶ The size and scale of your environment is up to you but should clearly incorporate new and old structures/props, in whatever ratio you prefer (up to 90/10 - example: 90% old structures, 10% new structures)

â–¶ Your environment can be mobile (large ship, floating island, etc) as long as it respects the above.

  1. Context - Describe the project (WWWWWH), scenario, its purpose and function your aims and objectives.

  2. - Describe how you did your research Research e’g’, Judith Bell, methods, story-board, mood-boards Provide citation within content and references in Harvard Style. 

  3. Problem Solving - Describe the problems you overcome and how you learnt from the process.

  4. Planning and production - (GDD) Games Design Document. Describe your planning methods and production workflow.

  5. Practical Skills - What skills have you learned in the production process.

  6.  - This is a critical part of this process, make sure this is in good detail. In respect of the project; Your strengths, areas for improvement, the pros & cons, ups Evaluation and Reflectionand downs, for and against . what were the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Blooms Taxonomy

  7. References - (Harvard Style) Provided a minimum of 3 references

  8. Presentation - You provided a professional approach to how your weblog is presented

Old Sarum concept sketch, used for reference.

Old Sarum physical model, used for reference.

Current day Old Sarum, used for reference

Current day Old Sarum, used for reference

Old Sarum layout, used for reference.

Top down basic scene layout comparison.

Picture reference and model.

Basic night 3ds max render.

Basic day 3ds max render.

Basic day wide 3ds max render.

Full day wide 3ds max render.

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