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Unit 46, 2D Digital Graphics

  1. Context - Describe the project (WWWWWH), scenario, its purpose and function your aims and objectives.

  2. - Describe how you did your research Research e’g’, Judith Bell, methods, story-board, mood-boards Provide citation within content and references in Harvard Style. 

  3. Problem Solving - Describe the problems you overcome and how you learnt from the process.

  4. Planning and production - (GDD) Games Design Document. Describe your planning methods and production workflow.

  5. Practical Skills - What skills have you learned in the production process.

  6.  - This is a critical part of this process, make sure this is in good detail. In respect of the project; Your strengths, areas for improvement, the pros & cons, ups Evaluation and Reflectionand downs, for and against . what were the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Blooms Taxonomy

  7. References - (Harvard Style) Provided a minimum of 3 references

  8. Presentation - You provided a professional approach to how your weblog is presented

Context - Describe the project (WWWWWH), scenario, its purpose and function your aims and objectives.


The National Space Centre based in Leicester is the Uk’s Largest planetarium with a unique 3D Simulator Experience and an iconic 42m high Rocket Tower. Recently, the company's partners have negotiated with the owners of the rights to one of the earliest video games made, ‘Spacewar’ and Leicester University have set up a competition designed to draw new customers to the museum facilities. The competition is to make a video game which could be played in one of its six interactive galleries.

Spacewar! is one of the earliest video games and was developed on the PDP-1 computer at MIT in 1962, fifteen years before The Golden Age of Video Games. It was also an important early prototype of computer graphics techniques that later became standard in the industry.

Leicester University has set the competition on behalf of the Partners with a pre-entry qualifiers brief. It’s your job to produce a digital response for an up-to-date videogame level using the 1962 retro video game Spacewar as your inspiration. The winner would then use a 2D game engine to build the game. The competition is designed to attract a new audience to ‘The National Space Centre’.


My intent for this project is for a full 3D environment of the room in which 'Spacewar!' was created and played for the first time. In this environment, you will be able to walk up to the DEC PDP-1 computer and play my interpretation of the 2D game 'Spacewar!' yourself. This form of game has a very large VR capability which is something I would like to add in future iterations.

Seeing as the 3D is a very simple modeling job I have drawn a concept for the room and I will be leaving the actual modeling till last and instead, primarily focusing on the concept for my Spacewar iteration.

Sketch of the room I'd like to recreate.

Original Spacewar concept

The original Spacewar is entirely based on two players fighting each other while trying to avoid being sucked into a black hole in the center of the circular arena.

I would like to keep the core game mechanic of the black hole while adding an extra mechanic of movement through set maps. I wish to achieve this movement by making the black hole slowly drift from zone to zone, perhaps emitting some sort of light to force players to stay within a close vicinity of it.

For an idea of the maps, I'm using a browser-based program called "weavesilk" to generate potential layouts. I then brought them into photoshop and drew in the walls and movement patterns 

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